Serve. Learn. Explore.
Volunteers are an integral part to enhance the work we do & help spread the message of rural inequality by gaining perspective.
Our volunteers makes a massive difference
As an organization we strive to grow international awareness around the challenges and disadvantages of South Africa's rural inequality, faced by similar rural communities globally.
Integrating volunteers into the work we do allows us to increase our capacity, broaden our skill-set and, most importantly, spread the message that there is hope for this global crisis. We can’t solve this problem alone and are excited about each volunteer who joins us on this journey to raise up value-driven, purposeful leaders who will drive community transformation.
Time constraints, but want to help?
Want to help raise the next-generation of rural leaders and transform our nation, but can’t give your time right now?
Option 1: Using a credit card, you can donate using the link above.
Option 2: EFT details (note the reference if you require a tax deductible 18A certificate):
Acc name: Sihamba Sonke
Bank: First National Bank
Account Type: Cheque
Account No: 62759245676
Branch Name: Umtata Mall
Branch Code: 210643
Reference: Donation – Name
Please e-mail the proof of payment to with subject "18A Certificate", if you require a tax deductible certificate at the end of the year.
Current Volunteer Opportunities:
Video Recording & Editing:
Telling our stories through short video clips is a massive need, that we don’t have the capacity for at the moment. Please contact us if you have a skill in making short video clips.
If you are passionate about our vision and want to join us, come take photos, help make brochures or connect us on your social network and be our voice in your community.
Want to come to serve in our community? Email to hear about current needs and positions to support our operations.